Monday, May 7, 2007

Trying to start this off on the right foot

Well, I don't like writing new posts because I feel like I have to have some kind of deep introduction. So my friend Steve suggested I write about my new mushrooms. :) So I thought - what a good idea! I love making baking... And since I'm on this meringue kick, I wanted to sculpt the meringue somehow. Of course mushrooms was the only logical thing to make! I debated about forest animals... but somehow that didn't work out. :P

Yay! It's my first post. I'm thinking (as I'm eating these) of how I could incorporate these into a cake design somehow. And why isn't someone having a birthday soon enough for me to make it?


Terri Beers said...

well, boy, it was my birthday just a week ago...kinda...close enough? I always wanted a mushroom cake.

Lynne said...

I can't believe you made these!!!!!!

I thought they were real mushrooms!

How cool would they have looked on your wedding cake??